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Environmental Accounting

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Environmental Accounting is an essential tool for businesses and organizations to measure and manage their environmental impact. Our webpage provides valuable resources and courses for students, professionals, and anyone interested in learning about this critical field. From understanding sustainability principles to implementing environmental management systems, we cover a range of topics to help you advance your knowledge and make a positive impact on the environment. Explore our webpage today and discover the possibilities of Environmental Accounting. 

There are several topics in environmental accounting. The topics usually covered in professional examinations are listed here.


Introduction to Environmental Accounting
Benefits of environmental accounting
Challenges of environmental accounting
Corporate Social Responsibly
Corporate Social Responsibly (CSR) Theories
Sustainability reporting and Triple Bottomline
Environmental Impact Assessment 
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Awareness 
Environmental Degradation and Petroleum Production
You can take self-assessment tests on Environmental Accounting here.
 Instructions on how to take a self-assessment test.
Self-assessment test 1
Self-assessment test 2


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